UNESCO IITE participated in the second round of the regional project “Supporting Competency-Based Teacher Training Reforms to Facilitate ICT-Pedagogy Integration in Uzbekistan”

On 6-10 April 2015, the second round of the Workshop on ICT Competency Standards was organized by UNESCO Tashkent and Bangkok offices in the framework of the Regional Project of the Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau of UNESCO for Education "Supporting Competency-Based Training Reforms to Facilitate ICT-Pedagogy Integration". 

The project is aimed to support the two Uzbek ministries of education (General Education and Higher and Professional Education) in defining and developing the required ICT competencies for teachers in accordance with the national policy vision and goals for ICT in education.  The first steps to develop the draft of the National ICT-competency Standards for teachers of Uzbekistan have been made by the National Working Group with the support of representatives of UNESCO Bangkok office (BGK) and Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) in the second round of the Conference.

Keynote participants were Prof. Alexander Khoroshilov (Officer-in-Charge, UNESCO IITE), Mr. Alexander Uvarov (Consultant, UNESCO IITE), Ms. Jonghwi Park (Programme Specialist and Project Coordinator, BKG), Ms. Auken Tungatarova (Project Assistant, BKG).

During two and a half days, the negotiations and practical work on the development of the draft of national standards have been organized and moderated by the representatives of Institute for Information Technologies in Education and UNESCO Bangkok office.  In the beginning of the Workshop, the results of in-country survey of teacher’s ICT competency based on the use of IITE templates have been presented by participants from different sectors of education system of Uzbekistan (general education, higher education, technical and vocational education and training and professional education). The National Working Group worked on the localization of the UNESCO ICT-CFT using IITE Guidelines on ICT-CFT adaptation, created the modules of standards, and discussed different options and approaches to standards development, including legal, organizational and implementation issues.

The National Workshop on ICT Competency Standards Development was also organized back to back with one-day workshop on Intel’s ICT in Education Policy Tool, content of which is very close to the main  issues of the development of National standards as one of the components of overall policy on ICT in education.

As a result, the first draft of the localized version of UNESCO ICT-CFT, several parts of the national standards and an acting plan of the development and implementation of standards have been developed.

