IITE Special event “Recognizing the potential of ICTs in early childhood education”

On 28 September 2010 within the framework of the UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education held in Moscow IITE organized a special event Recognizing the potential of ICTs in early childhood education.

During the event IITE presented its new analytical review Recognizing the potential of ICTs in early childhood education, developed by Prof. Ivan Kalašfrom Comenius University (Slovak Republic).

About fifty specialists from early childhood educational settings, teacher training institutions, research and developmental centres took part in the event.

The programme of the meeting included presentations of experts and specialists engaged by IITE in the project development which has resulted in analytical survey publication. Thekey-note speaker Prof Ivan Kalašacquainted the participants with the aims, methods and results of the study onICTs in early childhood education.

The presentation of Mr Alexei Semenov, rector of the Moscow Institute of Open Education, was devoted to the Russian vision of opportunities for ICTs in preschool education.


Ms Maria Tsapenko, the Deputy Head of the preschool and secondary unit of the Moscow Department of Education, spoke about the advanced experience on ICT usage in early childhood education, accumulated in Moscow kindergartens.

The focus of the report made by Ms Tatiana Kuzmishina, assistant professor of Educational Psychology Faculty of the Moscow City University of Psychology and Education, was on the importance of studying how to use ICT in preschool education in preparing and training preschool teachers.

The presentations were followed by ‘question and answer’ sessions and discussions on the state-of-the-art and prospects of early childhood education development by means of ICTs, which addressed such important issues as strategies of ICT use in early childhood education, children’s safety and health in a digital world, ICTs and professional development of preschool educators.


Programme of the special event

The presentation of Mr Alexei Semenov

The presentation of Mr Prof. Ivan Kalas
