The 22nd Session of UNESCO IITE Governing Board (GB) was held virtually on 12 December 2022. It was the first Governing Board Meeting for seven new members who were appointed by UNESCO Director-General for their first term. The GB elected Professor Asha Kanwar as the new Chair and approved reports delivered by IITE Director and IITE team.
Professor Asha Kanwar opened the Session and welcomed the new Members of the Governing Board, the representative of the Director-General of UNESCO for Education, the representatives of the Russian Government – the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, as well as other Board Members and IITE Team. In her statement she emphasized the importance of further implementation of Medium Term Strategy for 2022-2025 of IITE and commitment of GB Members to provide oversight but also strategic direction and to open up new opportunities for fundraising and visibility. Professor Kanwar expressed thanks and appreciation to the Russian government for continued support to the Institute and to UNESCO HQs for its strong leadership for IITE.
Mr. Sobhi Tawil, Director of Future of Learning and Innovation Team at UNESCO HQs made a statement on behalf of the UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education Mrs. Stefania Giannini. He mentioned several important international events on education during 2022 as well as global initiatives such as greening/climate education. He also noted that transforming education was important not only during any crises but also to help for sustainable education. The Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation represented the Russian Government. Their statements included comments, suggestions and commitment of continued support to the Institute.
After the presentations and discussion the GB approved the Report by Mr. Tao Zhan, Director of IITE, on the activities of the Institute, Report on financial situation of the Institute and Report on Programme Implementation for 2022-2023. All GB members stressed that IITE had done impressive work collectively with its global partners in supporting teachers, students and the parents. During the Session, all GB members also provided further comments on IITE’s future programme priority and focus, enhancing visibility, collaboration with its host country and other relevant issues.
The IITE Governing Board usually meets at least once a year to define the general policy of the Institute, to approve the IITE Programme Activities and Budget as well as to provide guidance on the Institute’s operations.
Members of IITE Governing Board are appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO on a geographical distribution and gender balance, are chosen for their eminence in the field and sit in a personal capacity.
List of current IITE GB Members and information about them can be found here.