On 12-14 February 2019, Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan) hosted the Joint Workshop on ICT Statistics for CIS and Arab Regions, held by the Telecommunication Development Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in liaison with the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Workshop was aimed at assuring exchange of best practices and expert knowledge between the executives and specialists responsible for measurement of telecom/ICT development from ministries, national statistics offices (NSOs), regulators, telecom operators, universities and general education institutions, telecommunication equipment manufacturers, research and design institutes, software developers and other interested stakeholders from the CIS and Arab regions. Over 70 delegates from 21 country took part in the event.
During the three-day Workshop, the following issues were thoroughly discussed:
- Overview of ITU’s work on ICT statistics;
- Understanding composite indices, in particular the ICT Development Index (IDI);
- Collecting supply-side ICT/telecommunication indicators;
- Collecting demand-side ICT data through household surveys;
- Mechanisms of national ICT statistics coordination;
- ITU expert groups;
- How to report survey data to ITU;
- Understanding composite indices.
Ms. Natalia Amelina, Senior National Project Officer in Education, Chief of the Unit of Teacher Professional Development and Networking at UNESCO IITE, was invited by the host organizations to contribute to the Workshop as a speaker.
In her report “ICT potential in education: assessment, monitoring, statistics” N. Amelina highlighted the importance of ICT in Education regular monitoring and assessment for gaining the results of SDG 4 and Education 2030 Agenda.
Archived webcast is available on the YouTube channel of the ITU Regional Office for CIS (ITU Moscow Office)