On 27-28 October 2022, in Almaty (Kazakhstan) UNAIDS held a workshop for journalists and bloggers from Central Asian countries, Moldova and Armenia, dedicated to new approaches to the topic of HIV infection and the challenges of the modern information space in the context of health and medicine issues. The workshop was organized in connection with the regional presentation of the Russian version of the UNAIDS Report on the global AIDS epidemic for 2022.
Among other topics, the workshop addressed issues related to hate speech, fake news and disinformation in the field of health. The last two issues were discussed during the speech of the UNESCO IITE Programme Specialist, Ms. Tatiana Murovana, who was invited to take part in the workshop. She introduced the participants to the types of misinformation and disinformation, the factors contributing to the spread of disinformation and the ways to counteract this negative phenomenon. UNESCO resources, which can be useful for journalists and bloggers in increasing the level of media and information literacy and limiting the spread of disinformation, were also presented at the event.