The XXVIII International Conference on Modern Information Technologies in Education took place in Troitsk (Moscow) on June 27, 2017. The conference was organised in the framework of the International Congress of Conferences “Information Technologies in Education” (ITE). The annual ITE Conference dates back to 1990, making it the first of its kind event in the USSR. The main organizer of the Troitsk Conference is the BYTIC Fund for New Technologies. The Moscow Department of Education has been supporting the ITE Conference since 2013. During the last few years, UNESCO IITE has been its official partner. The Federal Research Centre “Informatics and Management” of the Russian Academy of Science joined the event as its co-organizer this year. At the ITE 2017 Conference, UNESCO IITE was represented by professor Alexander Khoroshilov and the IITE’s expert professor Alexander Uvarov. Professor Alexander Khoroshilov was also a member of the Conference’s Council of Experts.
Specialists from Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, and Russia took part in the ITE 2017 Conference. 688 participants have registered on the Conference’s website. Theses of 319 lecturers were presented in a collective volume of materials. The majority of the participants were pedagogues and schools principals, representatives of colleges, Institutions of Higher Education and Institutions for Additional Education, as well as heads of regional and local educational authorities. In addition to the conference discussions of theoretical issues and general problems of digital pedagogy’s implementation, new methods for the application of ITE in education were proposed, together with the analyses of already implemented technologies.
The conference participants unanimously agreed that the Conference would contribute to further implementation of the positive experience of a wide range of researchers, experimenters, and practitioners working in the field of information and communication technologies in the educational system.
More information and conference materials are available on the ITE 2017 official website: