UNESCO IITE at the International Conference on Modern Information Technologies in Education

The International Conference on Modern Information Technologies in Education took place on 28 June 2016 in Troitsk (Moscow, Russia). The conference was organized by the Department of Education of the City of Moscow and the Administration of the City District of Troitsk in Moscow, together with the State Autonomous Educational Institution for Additional Professional Education’s Moscow Center of Technological Modernization in Education, and the BYTIC Regional Public Fund for New Technologies in Education. The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) was invited to participate as a partner of the conference.

Over 600 participants including students, teachers, professors, and experts from various fields attended this international forum, regularly being organized since 1990. In 2016, the conference changed its topic  and now aims to focus on practical experience with new research in the field of educational technology. The main objective is to help increase the rate of penetration into the education system, utilizing the positive experiences of a wide range of researchers, experimenters, and teachers who are practitioners in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). To achieve this updated goal, the conference emphasized developing a network of partners, expanding the range of topics covered and their formats, engaging all areas of government, involving commercial and non-commercial parties, determining the development of modern education, engaging in productive work with the professional community throughout the year, involving young teachers and scientists in the creation of new fields of research, and the formation of quality requirements for pedagogical publications.

The event was organized into the following sections and expert workshops on: “Technosphere Education”, “Mobile Learning”, “Blended Learning”, “Infomatics and Programming”, “IT in Subject Activity”, “Big Data in Education”, “Professional Development of Teachers in Modern Conditions”, “Strategy of ICT Use in Early Childhood Education and Primary School”, and others.

UNESCO IITE was represented at the conference by Head a. i. of UNESCO IITE Prof. Alexander Khoroshilov and by Programme Assistant for Teacher Professional Development and Networking Ms. Elena Tarasova. Prof. Khoroshilov opened the plenary session with his keynote speech on “ICT and the UNESCO’s Framework for Action ‘Education 2030’: Aims, Problems, and Solutions” and was a member of the conference’s Council of Experts. Ms. Tarasova made a presentation on the topic of “Mobile Learning: Guidance and Experience of UNESCO” and also presented the Russian version of UNESCO’s publication “Recommendations on Mobile Learning Policies”, during the conference’s section on “Mobile Learning”.

For more information about the conference, please visit the conference website (in Russian).
