UNESCO IITE participated in the workshop «QED’16: Technology Advanced Quality Learning for ALL» held on 13-15 June, 2016, in Sofia, Bulgaria.The workshop was a regional event organized as a follow-up of the EDUsummIT’15 Technology Enhanced Quality Learning for All (14-15 September, 2015, Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand) and prior to the EDUsummIT’17. The workshop was hosted by the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) which is a unique (in a Bulgarian context) research and educational interdisciplinary center integrating studies in the library science, digital technologies, cultural and historical heritage. The organiser was the UNESCO Interfaculty Chair on ICT in Library Studies, Education and Cultural Heritage at SULSIT. The event was held under the Patronage of the Bulgarian National Commission for UNESCO.
Rector of the SULSIT prof. Stoyan Denchev, a UNESCO IITE’s Governing Board member and a member of the QED'16 Programme Committee, played an important role in organizing the workshop and attracting prominents speakers. Head a.i. of the UNESCO IITE prof. Alexander Khoroshilov was a member of the QED'16 Programme Committee as one of co-chairs. He also delivered a keynote speech “With ICTs Towards the Goal of “Education-2030”: Challenges, UNESCO Approach and IITE Experience”. A broad range of topics was discussed within three panels with the themes that match the UNESCO IITE’s areas of expertise, including such topics as advancing mobile learning in formal and informal settings; professional development for policy-makers, school leaders and teachers; addressing gaps and promoting educational equity; indicators of quality technology-enhanced teaching and learning; digital citizenship and cyberwellness and others.
A number of discussions and meeting with the particpants of the QED'16 were held to share the IITE experience. Prof. Khoroshilov explained to participants the UNESCO approach to implementation of the Framework for Action “Education 2030” and took part in developing the concept of EDU Summit-2017. IITE was invited to become an official co-organizer of the EDUSummit-2017 that will take place in Bulgaria in September 2017.