UNESCO IITE Open Lectures to be held in St. Petersburg on September 5-6, 2016

The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) invites researchers, academics, educators and postgraduate students to attend a Series of Open Lectures “ICT in Education and Sustainable Development Goals: Innovation for Quality, Openness and Inclusion” that it organizes jointly with St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI). The Lectures will be hold on September 5-6, 2016, in St. Petersburg. The Open Lectures will address current challenges in the use of ICT on the way towards equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all. 

Main topics of the lectures:

  • The role of ICT in education and achievement of the SDGs
  • ICT in education: changing the educational paradigm
  • Innovative educational technologies, methodologies, practices and content (OER and MOOC)
  • Holistic use of ICT for ensuring access and enhancing the quality of education
  • Changing labour market, professional education and ICT

Invited speakers:

  • Mr. Dan Wagner, UNESCO Chair in Learning and Literacy; Director, International Literacy Institute; Professor of Education, University of Pennsylvania (USA)
  • Ms. Airina Volungeviciene, President of European Distance and eLearning Network; Head of Innovative Studies Institute and Associate Professor, Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
  • Mr. Tapio Varis, Professor Emeritus of Professional Education, UNESCO Chair in Global E-Learning, University of Tampere (Finland)
  • Mr. Gard Titlestad, Secretary General, International Council for Open and Distance Education (Norway)
  • Vladimir Tikhomirov, President, International Consortium "Electronic University"; President, Eurasian Open Institute; Head, Expert Council for ICT applications in education under the Committee of Education, State Duma of the Russian Federation (Russia)
  • Mr. Jian Zhong Cha, Professor, Beijing Jiaotong University; Chair Holder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, UNESCO Chair on Cooperation between Higher Engineering Education and Industries (China)
  • Mr. Michael Meimaris, Director of the New Technologies Laboratory in Communication, Education and the Mass Media, the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, University of Athens (Greece)
  • Mr. Christian M. Stracke, Associate Professor for Open Education and Innovation, the Welten Institute of the Open University of the Netherlands, the Netherlands

Working languages are Russian and English with simultaneous translation.

Venue:St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str.

For a wide audience, video records of the Open Lectures will be available at UNESCO IITE website and YouTube channel.

Concept note

Tentative programme

