UNESCO IITE at the Moldova ICT Summit – 2016

On 27-28 April 2016, UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) took part in the Moldova ICT Summit – 2016, which was held in Kishinev, Moldova. Moldova ICT Summit is aimed to gather all industry stakeholders, including government, business and academia, to discuss trends and challenges facing the ICT industry globally and in the country, and define the roadmap for development and effective integration of technology, as well as the agenda for growing ICT sector competitiveness. By bringing the cutting-edge global trends and inviting visionary leaders, the event seeks to break the barriers, drive innovation and foster higher aspirations at all levels. The sevenths Moldova ICT Summit was organized by Moldovan Associations of ICT Companies, under the patronage of Ministry of Information Technology and Communications of the Republic of Moldova and in partnership with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, Council of Europe, USAID project and others.

The Summit was opened by Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Mr. Pavel Filip and the Minister of ITC Mr. Vasile Botnari. In the opening ceremony speaker of the Parliament of Moldova Mr. Andrian Candu, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova Mr. James D. Pettit, Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova Ms. Signe Burgstaller and President of the Moldovan Association of ICT Companies Mr. Veaceslav Cunev made welcome speeches. The Summit brought together more than 1000 participants, among which were 80 speakers from 15 countries, including Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, Germany, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, UK, USA and others.

The programme of the Moldova ICT Summit – 2016 included a number of sessions such as ICT4Development, ICT4Internet Human Rights, ICT Startup, ICT4Education, ICT4Business and ICT4Professionals focusing on new trends of ICT. Within the sessions there were presented cutting edge techniques, practices and methodologies, the most recent trends, technologies and instruments that can be used by IT specialists.

Head a.i. of the UNESCO IITE prof. Alexander Khoroshilov as a speaker of the Moldova ICT Summit – 2016 presented his report «Ensuring Inclusive and Quality Education and Lifelong Learning for All by Means of ICT. UNESCO Approach and IITE experience» at the track ICT4Education. Moldova highly needs technical assistance in the field of ICT in Education and Innovative Pedagogy based on UNESCO approaches and recommendations, which was expressed by the Minister of Education and other high-level representatives of national education system. IT private companies operating in Moldova expressed their deep interest in collaborating with IITE as a potential long-term partner in their initiatives and activities on ICT in education including teachers ICT competency, mobile learning, multimedia learning materials, online courses for teachers and students. During the Summit prof. Alexander Khoroshilov participated in a number of meetings and negotiations with event participants, including the Minister of Education of the Republic of Moldova Ms. Corina Fusu. A special meeting was arranged with the Secretary-General of the National Commission of the Republic of Moldova for UNESCO Mr. Konstantin Rusnak.

For more information about Moldova ICT Summit 2016 please visit http://www.moldovaictsummit.md/.

Presentation «Ensuring Inclusive and Quality Education and Lifelong Learning for All by Means of ICT. UNESCO Approach and IITE experience» by Alexander Khoroshilov, Head a.i. of the UNESCO IITE.
