The Zero Project Conference 2016, convened by the Essl Foundation, the World Future Council and the European Foundation Centre at the United Nations Office in Vienna, Austria was held on 10-12 February 2016 in Vienna. The event, which gathered innovators from more than 70 countries, highlighted 98 innovative policies and practices concerning inclusive education and/or ICTs from around the world during 35 plenary sessions and workshops.
The Forum was attended by more than 500 participants. Inclusive education, accessibility issues and standards, innovative practices were presented by the participants during three working days. On the sidelines of the conference, an exhibition and Awards ceremony were also arranged.
UNESCO IITE participated in the the panel discussion organized on 12 February 2016 within the Conference. Mr Axel Leblois (G3ICT), Mr Masahito Kawamori (ITU) and Ms Natalia Amelina (UNESCO IITE) were invited by Mr. Michael Fembek, Director of the Zero Project, to take part in the discussion devoted to accessible ICT and inclusive education. The experts discussed the opportunities provided by assistive technologies and innovative ICT for persons with visual, hearing, physical, and learning disabilities. The role of ICT for inclusive education was identified, new trends, innovative practices and difficulties were highlighted during this panel discussion.
More information is available at Zero Project 2016.