Round table "Future of the Russian IT education: new formats of schooling"

The round table "Future of the Russian IT education: new formats of schooling" was held in Moscow on 9 December, 2014. It was organized by the business newspaper Vedomosti published jointly with the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal. The discussion was focused on one of the topical problems of Russia – lack of the engineering and technical specialists, primarily specialists in the field of information technologies and programming. The participants of the discussion were government officials, representatives of educational institutions and business sector. The UNESCO IITE Officer-in-Charge Prof. A.V.Khoroshilov, scholar and expert in the field of information technologies in the economy and education, mathematical modeling and statistics, took part in the work of the round table.

The key points of the discussion were:

  • The principles of the development of educational standards and programs to establish the necessary level of competency of secondary school students motivated for further work in the field of IT.
  • What organizational and regulatory mechanisms for the implementation of educational projects in the sphere of IT in secondary schools should be introduced?
  • The establishment of IT classes and the development of IT education in schools. Experience of Moscow and regions of the Russian Federation. Prospects for the implementation of projects in the regions. What standards should an average educational institution comply with?
  • What are regulations to build and upgrade the program to improve teachers’ competency in the field of information technologies?
  • The content of education in the sphere of computer science and IT. Cooperation of the business sector, city administration and educational institutions. What patterns of interaction are the most advantageous for all?

List of participants and program of the event is available at the website of the newspaper Vedomosti
