UNESCO Policy Guidelines for Mobile Learning (in Russian)

ISBN 978-92-3-400004-8

Full text version: rus

In February 2015, UNESCO IITE prepared and published the Russian version of the UNESCO Policy Guidelines for Mobile Learning issued by UNESCO in 2013. The brochure in Russian was printed with the financial support of OJSC VympelKom (the Beeline brand).

Developed in consultation with experts in over twenty countries, the guidelines below have broad application and can accommodate a wide range of educational institutions.

UNESCO believes that mobile technologies can expand and enrich educational opportunities for learners in diverse settings.

Today, a growing body of evidence suggests that ubiquitous mobile devices – especially mobile phones and, more recently, tablet computers – are being used by learners and educators around the world to access information, streamline administration and facilitate learning in new and innovative ways.

This set of guidelines seeks to help policy-makers better understand what mobile learning is and how its unique benefits can be leveraged to advance progress towards Education for All.
