The International Conference MOOCs4D: Potential at the Bottom of Pyramid was held on April 10-11, 2014 at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA). The partners of the event were UNESCO, Organization Internationale de la Francophonie, ICDE and other organizations.
The Conference was designed to stimulate critical and in depth discussions of key issues related to the future of MOOCs in developing countries. The Conference was focused on several general questions: What are the obstacles that prevent access and usage among disadvantaged populations at the ‘bottom of the pyramid’, especially in developing countries? What issues need to be articulated, and what resources outside of MOOCs are essential to enable access to education for all? How can MOOCs be used as a tool for development?
Mr. Badarch, Director of the UNESCO Moscow Office and UNESCO IITE Director a.i., delivered a speech at the Panel C “MOOCs, ODL and OER”. His presentation was mainly focused on access to the information, the current situation and progress towards EFA goals, key findings and messages of EFA Global Monitoring Report 2013/2014. Mr. Badarch also introduced the findings of the IITE projects on OER and ICT in Primary Project.
More information about the Conference can be found at
Conference videos are available at