The distance learning course on bioethics for journalists developed by the UNESCO Moscow Office in partnership with the leading experts in bioethics and the UNESCO’s Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) is now available for users in English language.
The target audience of the course is journalists and editors of electronic, print and TV media, who are interested in issues of bioethics.
The authors of the course proceeded from the fact that the media plays a crucial role in the development of bioethics and protection of human rights in the field of biomedicine. The media contributes to the interdisciplinary and pluralistic dialogue between scientists and the public on acute and difficult problems, which are generated by rapid development of biomedical technologies.
The course opens for trainees the possibility both to learn striking achievements and perspectives of biomedical technologies and to be involved into discussion of thrilling moral problems arising in the process of development of these technologies.
In order to train course materials and for self-check of learnt themes, case-studies and control questions are included for each chapter.
The authors of the course and the handbook “Bioethics and Journalism”, uncovering the role of the mass media in the emergence and evolution of bioethics and providing recommendations for journalists on how to address sensitive bioethics issues in the mass media, hope that the both editions will contribute to accessibility and efficiency of tackling of bioethical issues in mass-media of UNESCO Member States. The availability of both editions in the English language significantly extends their geographical coverage.
Distance learning course on bioethics for journalists
Authors: Pavel Tishchenko, Boris Yudin, Roman Belyaletdinov
Handbook “Bioethics and Journalism” by Pavel Tishchenko & Boris Yudin
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