International Conference “UNESCO Chairs Partnership on ICTs use in Education”

The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) in close partnership with UNESCO Moscow Office for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation and UNESCO Chair “Distance Education in Engineering” of SUAI organizes UNESCO IITE and UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs International Conference “UNESCO Chairs Partnership on ICTs use in Education”. It takes place within the XIII International Forum «Modern information society formation – problems, perspectives, innovation approaches» to be held on 5 – 10 September, 2012.

Main objectives of the forthcoming conference are as follows:

  1. to analyze the trends and issues of further networking as well as to identify the good practices, successful innovative initiatives and projects  contributing to developing and strengthening sustainable, inclusive and diversified systems and institutions for and with the innovations;
  2. to motivate the UNESCO Chairs working in the field of ICTs, pedagogy and/or ICTs use in education to contribute more effectively to implementation of the IITE International Master Degree Programme/Advanced Training course “ICTs in Teacher Professional Development” using by them the whole Curriculum or separate modules, and to approve the model of the Curriculum for Russian-speaking countries;
  3. to establish the interaction and elaborate the trends of collaboration within the framework of UNESCO IITE pilot project “Learning for the Future” (LFF) and UNIVOC Centres;
  4. to identify the good practices and successful innovative initiatives and projects contributing to developing and strengthening of information security in the framework of a specialized round table.

The Conference will be implemented in consultation with UNESCO HQ and Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, in cooperation with the respective partners, including UNESCO Chairs and networks, bilateral development partners, NGOs, universities and the private sector in order to fulfill its mission in teacher education.

Participants: Chairholders of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs, in particular, CIS and Baltic countries, representatives of the Universities, ASPnet national coordinators, international experts.

The direct beneficiaries will be Member States, specifically those institutions which are directly responsible for or involved in the development of teacher policies (Ministries of Education, Universities and TTI, teachers’ unions, etc.), UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs and UNESCO ASPnet Schools, teachers and students themselves.
