UNESCO OER Policy Forum

UNESCO OER Policy Forum ‘Taking the Open Educational Resources (OER) beyond the OER Community: Policy and Capacity’ took place on 1 December 2010 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.

The Forum was organized within the joint initiative focused on higher education institutions in Africa and Asia and the Pacific implemented by UNESCO and the Common wealth of Learning (COL). The Forum brought together decision makers in governments, institutions and funding agencies. The objectives of the Policy Forum were to:

  • Establish a common understanding of OER and their potential to promote access to quality higher education in developing countries.
  • Explore how OER can maximize the impact of investment on education.
  • Discuss the role of OER in advancing the Millennium Development Goals.
  • Review progress made in the Initiative ‘Taking OER beyond the OER Community’.
  • Discuss and propose a way forward  for UNESCO, COL and other relevant agencies to harness OER for the greatest benefit of education and explore related issues, in particular Open Licensing and their adoption in intergovernmental organisations’ policies.

Dr. Svetlana Knyazeva, UNESCO IITE Knowledge Services Team Leader, presented the IITE OER project results obtained during 2010.

Presentations are available at: http://oerworkshop.weebly.com/policy-forum.html
