UNESCO Southern Africa sub-Regional Forum on Artificial Intelligence: “Towards a sustainable development-oriented and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence”, 7-9 September 2022

Join UNESCO Southern Africa sub-Regional Forum on Artificial Intelligence (SARFAI) co-organized by UNESCO and the Republic of Namibia from 7 to 9 September 2022 in Windhoek, Namibia. This Forum will be held in hybrid format (both in presential and online) and will be articulated into three key segments: Technical Panels (on 7 and 8 September); Ministerial Round Table (on 9 September); and Partnerships Session (on 9 September). Side events (Special Launch, AI market, Exhibits, Cultural event, etc.) will also be organized during the Forum.

The Forum will discuss key dimensions of AI as well as challenges and opportunities in its application in the Southern African context. It will bring together ministers responsible for AI in the sub-region, high-level technical experts from member states, the SADC Secretariat, AU representatives, representatives of United Nations agencies and other international organizations, non-governmental organizations, leaders of the AI industry, academic experts, policymakers, and any other relevant stakeholders.

Register to:

  • Learn more about the role and potential of AI in Africa’s development from a Southern African perspective in critical areas such as education, science and engineering, climate change, data governance and protecting fundamental freedoms, media, and cultural industries.
  • Participate in strengthening cooperation and partnerships for the promotion of an ethical, equitable, inclusive, and transparent use of AI in Southern Africa.
  • Contribute to the elaboration of concrete recommendations and action plans for the development of AI in Southern Africa.


Visit the event website
