Following the decisions of the 1st and 2nd sessions of the Governing Board of IITE, Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) holds a working meeting on activities of the European focal points for the co-operation with IITE.
During the meeting, participants discuss possible forms of co-ordination of the activities and co-operation between IITE and the national focal points. Participants have the view of the following development of an international network of national focal points for fostering application of ICTs in education in the UNESCO Member States.
IITE is open for co-operation with all national focal points. The Institute is ready to place at the disposal of its partners the following facilities for networking. The representatives of national focal points are kindly asked to inform about the facilities of their organizations, which could be used for networking with IITE and other focal points.
Final Document containing the framework for action and main lines of activities aimed at the development of bilateral and multilateral links and co-operation with IITE and establishment of a network at the service of the UNESCO Member States.