UNESCO, with the support of the Korean Funds-in-Trust, within the framework of the Project “Enhancing National Capacity to Facilitate Digital Citizenship Education in Asia-Pacific”, has been providing technical assistance to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in developing and implementing ICT Competency Standards for Teachers (ICT-CST), aligned with the national education vision and goals.
In this context, on 23-26 October 2022, a National Workshop was held in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) aimed at developing training modules for the Basic and Intermediate levels of ICT competence of teachers based on the developed syllabi. This National Workshop provided the participating stakeholders with an opportunity to:
- understand the new ICT-CST-based teacher training curriculum;
- gain information on ICT-related teacher training syllabi/curricula and modules used by other countries;
- review and revise the teacher training modules based on curriculum and aligned to the Basic level of the ICT-CST;
- draft teacher modules based on curriculum and aligned to the Intermediate level of the ICT-CST;
- plan mutually agreed next steps and timeline to finalise, validate, and implement the modules and trainers’ guide;
- generate a draft rollout plan for ICT-related teacher training.
The workshop was attended by the UNESCO IITE Programme Specialist Ms. Tatiana Murovana, who spoke at the Session “Principles and frameworks to consider for teacher ICT skills”. Ms. Tatiana Murovana presented to the participants information, methodological and educational resources developed by UNESCO IITE to promote the professional development of teachers in the field of ICT competence development.