Harnessing the potential of ICTs: literacy and numeracy programmes using radio, TV, mobile phones, tablets and computers; selected case studies from the UNESCO Effective Literacy and Numeracy Practices database

This publication provides a selection of literacy programmes that use radio, TV, mobile phones, tablets and computers to support the development of literacy, numeracy and language skills. All literacy programmes selected to be featured in this publication contain valuable experiences and lessons to share. More examples of innovative literacy programmes can be found on UNESCO’s Effective Literacy and Numeracy Practices Database (LitBase) at www.unesco.org/uil/litbase, which is a continuously developing database of successful adult literacy programmes. This database allows users to identify trends, challenges and lessons learnt in applying ICTs to literacy teaching and learning worldwide. The programmes share valuable examples of how ICTs can be used creatively and innovatively to complement face-to-face adult literacy teaching. They highlight the prerequisites that must be met to reach the full potential of ICTs.

Publication year: 2016

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