Being an essential element of learning across the lifespan, the development of global digital citizenship education literacy allows learners to access experiences and concepts that transcend time, place, and space. The present digital citizenship framework is centered around the equity-focused practices of open educational resource adoption and artificial intelligence in the pursuit of equity through the advancement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices and providing quality education for all (SDG4).
Under the above background, UNESCO IITE and Shanghai Open University, supported by experts from the Online Learning Consortium, produced this publication within the joint project “Promoting ICT Capacity Building and Open Education in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies”. The toolkit presents a model framework evaluation and assessment instrument to bridge the global digital skills gap through information communication technology capacity building to promote global citizenship education. The model framework is rooted in findings culled from current scholarly literature and the findings of a global study on digital literacy and digital citizenship education.
Finally, this evaluation and assessment toolkit aims to help educators and education systems in accessing the benefits of global digital citizenship education opportunities deployed at scale for learners from diverse backgrounds, countries, and communities. It is argued that AI-supported digital citizenship education has the potential to catalyze the nexus moment created by the increased demand, reach, reliance, and advancement of online, blended, and digital learning.