“UN in Russia” Bulletin №1 (January-April 2024) has been released

News of UN agencies and organizations for the period from January to April 2024 is available in the first issue of the “UN in Russia” Bulletin.

This issue features an article about the preparation of a report on the practice of using ICT and AI in school education in the SCO countries. The report is being prepared for publication within the framework of the project “Uniting Schools Online for Intercultural Education and Learning: a pilot network project of IITE and UNESCO Associated Schools for the SCO countries”, implemented by UNESCO IITE jointly with Huashi Education Group (HEDU, China). The report covers nine countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) and contains information on public and private (commercial) initiatives, applications and programs aimed at studying general subjects and gaining additional knowledge using ICT and AI, and at developing skills for the 21st century.

The Bulletin also provides information about two new free courses in Russian for the professional development of educators in the field of digital technologies use – “Introduction to Learning Analytics” and “Media and Information Literacy”. The courses were developed by UNESCO IITE and the International Centre for Higher Education Innovation under the auspices of UNESCO as part of a joint project. The course on learning analytics contains five main modules: what is learning analytics; collection and analysis of educational data; content analytics; student analytics; educational activity analytics. The course on media and information literacy consists of the following modules: introduction to media and information literacy, digital privacy and freedom of information on the web, the space of incorrect information and disinformation, new technologies and gadgets as the key to students’ minds, the use of interactive multimedia tools in teaching.

The e-version of the first number of the Bulletin (2024) is available in Russian language with a summary in English.