Theme: Distance education


Guidance on Active Learning at Home during Educational Disruption: Promoting student’s self-regulation skills during COVID-19 outbreak

13 April 2020

With school closures in many countries, caused by the rapid COVID-19 spread worldwide, millions of students have to study at home using online tools. Studying at home provides an opportunity for students to promote active learning and to train their self-regulation skills. Read more Guidance on Active Learning at Home during Educational Disruption: Promoting student’s self-regulation skills during COVID-19 outbreak

News: IITE and partners in action

UNESCO IITE participated in the webinar “How to Help Children be Active Learners at Home during Educational Disruption”

2 April 2020

The international webinar entitled “How to Help Children be Active Learners at Home during Educational Disruption” was held on March 27, 2020. The webinar was organized by the Smart Learning… Read more UNESCO IITE participated in the webinar “How to Help Children be Active Learners at Home during Educational Disruption”

News: IITE and partners in action

UNESCO rallies international organizations, civil society and private sector partners in a broad Coalition to ensure #LearningNeverStops

31 March 2020

At a time of when 87% of the world’s student population is affected by COVID-19 school closures, UNESCO is launching a global education coalition to support countries in scaling up their best… Read more UNESCO rallies international organizations, civil society and private sector partners in a broad Coalition to ensure #LearningNeverStops


Handbook on Facilitating Flexible Learning during Educational Disruption

16 March 2020

The Handbook provides recommendations on organizing flexible learning in emergencies and presents the Chinese experience in maintaining undisrupted learning in the COVID-19 outbreak. This publication can help educators, researchers, and practitioners solve their challenges and organize their work in emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more Handbook on Facilitating Flexible Learning during Educational Disruption