With COVID-19 rapidly spreading worldwide, many countries initiated a number of preventive measures, including school closures. Millions of students were excluded from the normal learning process. Alternative approaches, such as online learning at home, were used to maintain undisrupted learning. However, when students at different grades are studying at home, they and their parents are facing various challenges.
To live well in the uncertainty and complex world, students should be prepared to master the 21st century skills to solve problems actively. Self-regulation skill is the one that plays a key role in students’ success. Studying at home during educational disruption provides opportunities for students to promote active learning and to train their self-regulation skills.
In this respect, the joint efforts of UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (INRULED), UNESCO IITE, Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University (SLIBNU) and other partners, resulted in the release of the handbook entitled “Guidance on Active Learning at Home during Educational Disruption: Promoting student’s self-regulation skills during COVID-19 outbreak”.
The Guidance outlines the problems that arise during learning at home, presents practical tips and stories on active learning of students as well as recommendations for maintaining their good physical and mental health during homeschooling amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.