How and What to Teach in a Digital Environment: a Conference at the Moscow City University

On 19 September 2024, the VI International Conference “State-of-the-art {DIGITAL} Didactics” was held at the Moscow City University (MCU). During the conference, such topics as the current trends in the development of theory and practice of teaching at school and university, human-machine interaction in the context of educational experience, as well as the boundaries of the artificial intelligence development and the use of such technologies in education were discussed.

The conference gathered together heads and specialists of government authorities in the field of education, representatives of general education and professional education organizations, school teachers and educators from organizations of vocational education, representatives of IT-companies and publishing houses.

The discussions at the conference were based around the following topics:

  • Obstacles to the full use of the potential of digital technologies in education
  • The use of AI in building an individual trajectory of learning and teacher development
  • Virtual and augmented reality as an effective educational tool
  • The objectivity and reliability of data analysis results and their use for long-term forecasts and operational management response
  • Artificial intelligence as a full-fledged participant in the educational process and the experience of introducing generative artificial intelligence into teaching

The conference program also included workshops on the AI use in teaching various academic disciplines and in the professional teacher training.

Tatiana Murovana, the programme specialist at the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, took part in the session “Generative Artificial Intelligence: a hint from the classics or an open discussion” and presented resources developed by UNESCO to help educators effectively use the possibilities of AI in education. She paid special attention to the recently released UNESCO’s AI competency frameworks for students and teachers.

More information about the conference: