Date and time: 20 April 2020, 14:00 p.m. Moscow time (12:00 CET)
Link to register and join the webinar:
Language of the webinar: Russian
As a result of the mainstream school closure, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, students worldwide are currently compelled to practice home schooling through the use of online resources and digital technology. Russian teachers, learners and parents have been provided with access to various online learning platforms, namely: Russian Electronic School, Yandex.Textbook,, YaClass and
The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has elaborated unified guidelines for implementing educational programmes through e-learning and distance learning technology.
Meanwhile teachers and students today are fraught with problems, caused by the novel requirements and adjustments of the online educational setting.
The webinar on “School education during the pandemic outbreak: digital technology potentials” will allow to exchange experience, as well as to discuss jointly with UNESCO experts effective approaches on overcoming the challenges faced by educational system.
All UNESCO ASPnet schools in the Russian Federation will be invited to join the webinar. The online seminar will also be open for participation by specialists from other educational institutions in Russia and the CIS region.
Invited speakers:
- Mr Tao Zhan, Director of UNESCO IITE;
- Ms Julie Saito, International Coordinator, Chief of the Unit for UNESCO’s Associated Schools Network (ASPnet), UNESCO;
- Ms Nella Pruss, UNESCO ASPnet National Coordinator in the Russian Federation;
- Dr Zhao Yong, Principal of Affiliated School of Shandong University, China
- Professor LI Jiangang, professor and deputy dean of the School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Shandong University, China
- Ms Rahila Aliyarzadeh, Deputy Director on ICT, Baku European Lyceum, Azerbaijan
- Ms Natalia Amelina, Senior National Project Officer in Education, Chief of Unit “Teacher Professional Development and Networking”, UNESCO IITE
- Ms Svetlana Knyazeva, Senior National Project Officer in Education, Chief of Unit “Digital Pedagogy and Learning Materials”, UNESCO IITE
- Mr Tigran Yepoyan, Senior Project Officer for HIV, Chief of Unit “ICT in Health Education”, UNESCO IITE
- Representatives of ASPnet schools in the Russian Federation.
Our experts will raise the following scope of issues:
- ICT-school readiness for e-learning: infrastructure, Internet access, instructional support services, electronic textbooks and online resources, teaching staff competence, students’ ICT skills.
- Interim and final assessment of educational outcomes in the online mode.
- Professional development and advanced training for pedagogues in the e-learning environment.
- Psychological support for parents and learners.