To provide for a development of specialized training course for different categories of educators
within the framework of the IITE project Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in
Education for People with Special Needs, IITE held an international expert meeting
Information and Communication Technologies in Special Education jointly with the Armenian
National Commission for UNESCO, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia, and
Educational Complex “Informatics” – Armenian focal point for cooperation with IITE. Thirteen experts from eight countries
(Armenia, Australia, Belarus, Cyprus, Denmark, Italy, Russian Federation, and United Kingdom)
gathered in Moscow. The structure of the IITE specialized training course ICTs in Special Education
was discussed on the first day of the meeting. The second day of the meeting was devoted to the
presentation and discussion of the UNESCO IITE national pilot project for the Republic of Armenia
on ICTs in education for people with disabilities. It is supposed that Armenia can be used for
field-testing of the IITE specialized training course that the experts will develop. The final
report is based on the materials of this meeting.