UNESCO IITE has published the analytical survey of the Experience of Internet Usage in Education.
It was shown that the use of the Internet in the sphere of organization and management of education leads to the growth of economic efficiency of educational institutions activity and to the increase of education accessibility on a global scale, despite a whole set of problems reviewed in the survey.
The research showed general and not-so-obvious tendencies of the Internet use in education. This allows using the survey as an information base for prediction of the situation and for making decision concerning policy for education computerization. Particularly, the transition from technologically oriented Internet use in education to the primacy of educational tasks clearly manifested itself.
During preparation of the survey, a database of ISE was created to evaluate the current mechanisms of accumulation and exchange of information and to develop recommendations to administrators, teachers and learners concerning the search of educational information on the Net. This is not just one of the most complete ISE catalogues on the Internet, but also a detailed description of peculiarities of a great number of ISE including analysis of their functional capabilities.
This analytical survey has been prepared for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in accordance with the contract with the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) by the specialists of the Corporation “University networks of knowledge” (UNICOR) (Moscow, Russian Federation).