The next stage in the implementation of the project “Media and Information Literacy in the Digital Age: How to Teach the Teachers”, initiated jointly by UNESCO IITE and the UNESCO Information for All Programme, was the webinar “MIL in the system of teacher professional development: new courses and programs” held on 29 October 2020. The webinar was organized by the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities (EAPU) and the Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU) with the support of the Association of Media Education Professionals.
Based on successful practices of universities and organizations of additional professional education in CIS countries, the webinar participants discussed the issues of fostering the information and management culture of teachers in the context of digital transformation, current trends and popular formats of advanced training courses, as well as resources and conditions for scaling up such activities. The webinar was moderated by Ms. Veronika Yarnykh, Head of International Programs at UNESCO Chair of Media and Information Literacy and Media Education of Citizens of MSPU.
Ms. Aigul Tazhmuratova, Methodologist at the Orenburg Regional Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after V.I. Polyanichko, Director of the Media Literacy Center in the Orenburg region, spoke about teacher professional development in the Orenburg region in the field of media and information literacy as well as collaboration with the Moscow State Pedagogical University in this area. Mr. Andrey Barabas, Director of the Regional Center for Quality Assessment and Informatization of Education in the Chelyabinsk region, shared his experience in shaping the information and management culture of a teacher in the context of digital transformation. Ms. Anar Tanabaeva, Head of the UNESCO Chair in Pedagogy at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, delivered a presentation on the organization of distance education. Mr. Sergey Allyonov, Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics at the State Social and Humanitarian University, presented the educational online services developed at the university for improving the qualifications of teaching personnel. Ms. Anna Pishchova, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, addressed the issues of the management of media security of participants involved in the educational process in the context of digital transformation. Ms. Anastasia Klimova, Librarian of the Information and Reference Service at MSPU Library, spoke about the development of library skills of future teachers while using the MSPU Library Resource Navigator.
The webinar was broadcasted simultaneously on three channels: on the pages “Media and Information Literacy” and “UNESCO Chair of Media and Information Literacy and Media Education of Citizens” on Facebook, as well as on the UNESCO IITE YouTube channel. The webinar was included in the list of events organized within the Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2020 from 24 to 31 October 2020.
The webinar recording is available on the UNESCO IITE YouTube channel.