The Russian version of the second edition of the UNESCO Curriculum on Media and Information Literacy for Teachers and Learners “Media and Information Literate Citizens: Think Critically, Click Wisely” issued by UNESCO IITE was presented within the international conference of the Central Asian countries “Media Literacy in Action”. The event was organised by NGO “Internews in Kazakhstan” on 09-10 June 2022, in Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan).
The Russian version of the updated edition of the UNESCO Curriculum on Media and Information Literacy was presented by Ms. Tatiana Murovana from UNESCO IITE. She also delivered a lecture on new media and information literacy (MIL) competencies and standards within the conference.
The conference aimed at developing a conceptual framework and a set of recommendations for national strategies in the area of MIL in the Central Asian countries, as well as at sharing experience and best practices on promoting MIL and its integrating to different levels and formats of education. Participants discussed emerging trends in the promotion of media and information literacy, such as interdisciplinary approaches, gamification, use of mobile technologies and the involvement of performing arts. Another important topic of the conference was the society’s resilience to disinformation during a crisis; several sessions were devoted to the specific issues that Central Asian countries faced in this regard.
The event brought together about 60 participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan representing NGOs, universities, schools and libraries involved in the activities on promotion of MIL and increasing the level of MIL of citizens. Representatives of national ministries of education, culture and communication were among the conference participants as well.
To download the UNESCO Curriculum on Media and Information Literacy for Educators and Learners “Media and Information Literate Citizens: Think Critically, Click Wisely!” in Russian.
The video recording of the lecture “New Standards of Teaching Media and Information Literacy” is available here.