The 12th Session of the IITE Governing Board was held in Moscow from 15 to 16 November 2011. The Governing Board welcomed its newly appointed members – Prof. Donald G. Knezek (Chief Executive Officer of International Society for Technology in Education, USA) and Prof. Stoyan Denchev (Rector of State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Bulgaria).
Mr. Amir Bilaletdinov, Deputy Secretary-General of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO made a statement on behalf of the host country. He highlighted a positive progress at the IITE during the last 2 years. Mr. Alexandre Sannikov, representative of the Director-General of UNESCO, Chief of the Section for Liaison with Institutes, Field Offices and External Partners, presented his speech “UNESCO: Visibility, Outreach and Impact”.
Prof. Cornu, Chairman of the Governing Board thanked Prof. Badarch and all staff of the Institute for the huge work they do for the IITE, which has now recovered a dynamical life, and is recognized as a core place for ICT in Education, particularly to help and enhance decision-making in many countries.
The Governing Board expresses its appreciation of the progress made in revitalization of the Institute during a period of transitional arrangements (2010-2011 biennium) and approved the reports by the Director on the activities and the results achieved during last 2 years. On the last day of the Session, the Board Members approved their decisions, the IITE budget and set out the date for the next meeting.
The Board also examined proposals for the Institute’s programme and budget for 2012-2013, and approved a workplan.
In the area of IITE financial management, the Board welcomed a report on the financial management and approved a budget for next biennium.
Other decisions adopted by the Board include the publication plan for 2011-2012,
Finally, the Board proposed to organize a next Governing Board and IITE-2012 Conference in November 2012.
The IITE Governing Board, comprised of 11 individual members, meets once a year and assures the overall management of UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education.
Agenda of the 12th session eng | rus
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