Theme: Bullying

News: IITE and partners in action

UNESCO IITE and UNAIDS launch interactive TV series for Kyrgyz youth about school, living with HIV and fighting for justice

16 November 2020

School Elections, a new television series produced by the Media Kitchen studio with support from UNESCO IITE and UNAIDS, can be viewed online and on Kyrgyz national television starting on… Read more UNESCO IITE and UNAIDS launch interactive TV series for Kyrgyz youth about school, living with HIV and fighting for justice

News: IITE and partners in action

Alexei Yagudin and UN experts LIVE: how to deal with family conflicts and help those at risk of domestic violence

7 May 2020

On April 24 a livestream of the “Telling the Truth” (“Po Pravde Govorya”) series was hosted by Odnoklassniki social media network (OK.RU). UN experts, psychologists and celebrity guests discussed how to survive the self-isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, avoid serious family conflicts, and what to do in case of domestic violence. Read more Alexei Yagudin and UN experts LIVE: how to deal with family conflicts and help those at risk of domestic violence