The new publication released within the UNESCO IITE project on OER in non-English-speaking countries was intended to shed light on the current state of advancement of OER in Kenya. It provides a brief outline of Kenya’s national policies and strategies for ICT in education, as well as government initiatives and collaboration with UNESCO and the Commonwealth of Learning in developing a national OER policy. The study is based on the overview of regional and international projects implemented in Kenya at national and institutional level. The report contains the results of the analysis of challenges for the promotion of OER and Open Educational Practices (OEP) in Kenya, ranging from copyright issues to awareness and preparedness of main stakeholders to produce and use OER. A very important aspect is establishing of funding mechanisms for the production of OER, technological challenges and quality assurance. In conclusion, the author proposes the recommendations for OER integration into the learning and teaching process, which include the steps to be taken to overtake the challenges.
Сurrent state of advancement of OER in Kenya
Publication year: 2016