The book “Open Educational Resources in Brazil: State-of-the-Art, Challenges and Prospects for Development and Innovation”(author – Andreia Inamorato dos Santos) has been out of print. This is the second IITE publication within the series of case studies summarizing best practices of OER development in non-English-speaking countries. The study contains an overview of the Brazilian educational landscape, national educational policy and the strategies of ICT use in education. The author describes existing open digital content repositories with due emphasis on the copyright situation and considers several examples of successful international OER projects which involved Brazilian partners. The book is destined for those who study OER initiatives and projects on a national scale as well as promotion of OER movement worldwide.
In 2012, the Center of Studies on Information and Communication Technologies – CETIC.br – with the support of the UNESCO CI Sector translated the book into the Portuguese language and published it for distribution in Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking countries. The full-text version as available at CETIC.br website