Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights

The Seminar was organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia, Mongolian Intellectual Property Authority, UNESCO IITE and the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) on 17 April, 2012 in the conference hall of the University. 

Welcome speeches delivered by Mr. Dalaijargal, State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Mr. Chinbat, Director of Mongolian Intellectual Property Authority, Mr. Enkhtuvshin, the President of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, and Prof. Damdinsuren, the Rector of MUST opened the Seminar. On behalf of UNESCO IITE, Mr. Badarch welcomed the participants. 


Presentation of Mr. Badarch, Acting Director of UNESCO IITE, on IPR with respect to OER, the importance of promotion of OER in national languages and the role of open licensing in development of OER, as well as presentation of Ms. Chaiki Hayashi, the Coordinator of Creative Commons, Asia, on open licensing, in particular, Creative Commons licences and their impact on education, science, culture and government, raised great interest among the participants. 

Other presentations dealt with intellectual property rights in Mongolia (Ms. Sarnai, Mongolian IPR authority), technology transfer and IPR (Ms. Suvdmaa, Secretary of the National Committee for Science and Technology), national innovation and its legal environment (Mr. Lhagvadorj, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science), and IPR and research (Mr. Battogtokh, Mongolian Academy of Sciences.

Parallel sessions of the Seminar were focussed on the issues related to intellectual property rights with respect to e-learning, OER, libraries and research.
