This document has been prepared by IITE as an input to the UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy 2002–2007
Contributing to peace and human development in an era of globalization through education, the
sciences, culture and communication. At present, there are certain considerable disparities
in the development of the world communities which exclude entire groups and countries from the
potential benefits of digital opportunities in networked knowledge societies. Thus, according to
the UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy 2002–2007, bridging the digital divide between developing and
developed countries and within countries will become a prime strategic challenge throughout
UNESCO’s activities.
Striving to make its utmost in attaining the strategic objectives of the UNESCO Medium-Term
Strategy 2002–2007, and in compliance with its mission, IITE will consolidate the efforts around
the UNESCO strategic sub-objectives: Identifying new trends in educational development and
promoting policy dialogue and Harnessing information and communication technologies for
education. To that end, acting in accordance with its Statutes the Institute will pursue, in
its programme activities during 2002–2007, the following strategic objective: reinforcing
national potential in ICT application for the development of education.
At UNESCO, we try to foster the application of new information and communication technologies in
education at all levels, and we hope this document will help UNESCO Member States benefit from
IITE’s activities to modernize countries’ educational systems on the basis of information and
communication technologies perceived as a key to such modernization.
John Daniel
UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education