This manual provides recommendations for organizing classes and homerooms on health education using video lessons designed by UNESCO IITE. The topics of each of the 48 video lessons (there are 24 lessons in Kyrgyz and 24 in Russian language, available via the link) correspond to one or more topics of health education classes, described in the guide “Conceptualizing health education classes for students in grades 6-11”.
For each of these topics, a set of recommendations is given on the use of video lesson materials constructed in a way allowing the teacher can follow them during both in-person and remote class.
This manual was developed by a team of authors together with the Kyrgyz State University named after. I. Arabaev with the support of the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE). It is a part of the capacity-building project for educators promoting health and HIV education among students of educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Please find the manual “Using video lessons for health education classes (6-11 grade)” in Russian and Kyrgyz language.