The publication provides recommendations for teachers on the use of specialized video materials when conducting health classes with students in grades 7-11 of secondary schools. In an accessible and entertaining way, the videos created with the support of UNESCO IITE cover the following topics: “Peculiarities of adolescence,” “Concepts of sex, gender, and gender equality,” “Prevention of substance use,” “Decision-making and resistance to pressure,” “Love and sexual relations,” “Reproductive health and contraception,” “HIV infection,” “Interpersonal relations and conflict resolution,” “Cyberbullying.” The guidelines for using the videos are based on the peer learning sessions described in the publication “Volunteer Modules for Peer Education.”
The videos are recommended for school use by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of Belarus. The materials can assist in awareness-raising events on HIV prevention and healthy lifestyles for adolescents and young people.
- The videos in Russian language are available here
01 Почему быть подростком трудно 02 Чем мужчины отличаются от женщин 03 Почему хочется курить, когда пьешь 04 Как работают наркотики 05 Почему мы делаем то, чего не хотим 06 Можно ли найти свою вторую половинку 07 Когда должен быть первый раз 08 Загадочная история Вани Пуговкина 09 Полезно ли вымещать злость 10 Как противостоять троллям 11 Какие бывают контрацептивы