The following video materials are prepared for conducting health classes with students in grades 6-11 of secondary schools. In an accessible and entertaining way, the videos created with the support of UNESCO IITE cover the following topics: “Secrets of health and beauty,” “Age of changes,” “Love and relations”, “Family and marriage”, “Family planning”, “Responsible behavior and STIs prevention”, “HIV infection”, “HIV, AIDS and society”, “Violence and bullying”, “Cyberbullying.”
The video materials are supplemented by the methodological guide for teachers: “Using video materials for health classes for students in grades 6-11 of secondary schools” that provides practical recommendations for using the abovementioned videos during class hours.
The methodological guide for teachers: “Using video materials for health classes for students in grades 6-11 of secondary schools” is available at:
Video materials are available in Russian and Kazakh languages at:
Video materials in Kazakh are available for download as MP4-files at:
- Secrets of health and beauty.
- Age of changes.
- Love and relations: how it happens.
- Family and marriage. What brings happiness and prevents from it.
- Family planning: what does this mean and why it is important.
- Responsible behavior and STIs prevention.
- HIV. What you need to know.
- HIV, AIDS, and society.
- Violence and bullying. How to prevent and how to protect.
- Cyberbullying. How to prevent and how to protect.
- Why do people make friends and what types of friends there are
- How to develop self-confidence
- Making a decision
- Speaking politely
- Controlling our emotions
- Ethics of communication and cooperation
- How to develop yourself and become more confident
- How to set goals and achieve success
- Preventing infections
- Preventing addictions
- Video materials in Russian are available for download as MP4-files at:
- Secrets of health and beauty.
- Age of changes.
- Love and relations: how it happens.
- Family and marriage. What brings happiness and what prevents from it.
- Family planning: what does this mean and why it is important.
- Responsible behavior and STIs prevention.
- HIV. What you need to know about it.
- HIV, AIDS, and society.
- Violence and bullying. How to prevent and how to protect.
- Cyberbullying. How to prevent and how to protect.
- Why do people make friends and what types of friends there are
- How to develop self-confidence
- Making a decision
- Speaking politely
- Controlling our emotions
- Ethics of communication and cooperation
- How to develop yourself and become more confident
- How to set goals and achieve success
- Preventing infections
- Preventing addictions
The abovementioned video materials use parts of animated videos which are available at UNESCO IITE channel on YouTube: