This methodological guide has been developed in accordance with the basic curriculum of educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic. The manual offers techniques for structuring classes on health education and life skills, including topics such as prevention of HIV, consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, well-being, and responsible health behavior. The manual provides sample plans for a variety of lesson topics and helps students develop critical skills for reducing risk and making safer choices. The manual is addressed to teachers, psychologists, social educators, heads of educational organizations, and other specialists interested in using health-promoting technologies in extracurricular activities.
In 2017-2019 the manual was revised, published and distributed at the teacher training sessions on health education. The training sessions were organized as part of the project implemented in Kyrgyzstan with the assistance of the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic together with the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev within the framework of the UNAIDS regional technical assistance program with the support of the Russian Federation.
Conceptualizing health education classes for students in grades 6-11 (Kyrgyz language)
Conceptualizing health education classes for students in grades 6-11 (Russian language)