On September 17, the 2nd International Conference “Expanding Opportunities: Education for health and well-being in a personality developing educational environment” will be held in Bishkek at the Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University.
The conference will be attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, territorial education departments, lectures from the KNU, school principals and teachers, representatives of UNESCO, the Charitable Foundation Investment in the Future, partner organizations from Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan, international experts.
The conference participants will discuss issues related to international cooperation of decision-makers, scientists and practitioners for the promotion of education in the field of personality development, psychological well-being and health of children and adolescents.
A program for advanced training of school teachers on the formation of a personality developing environment, promotion of healthy lifestyle among learners and the prevention of HIV and other socially significant problems will be presented and discussed.
Among other issues, conference participants will deliberate about:
- How to create an educational environment that facilitates personality development or children and adults in schools and preschool institutions
- What programs have been implemented in Kyrgyzstan for ten years to create a culture of healthy and safe lifestyles among students
- How does a personality developing environment contribute to the social and emotional learning of students, maintaining their health and well-being and academic success
- How to take into account the social and emotional development of children in a bilingual environment?
- How to increase the effectiveness of interaction between schools and parents in developing the personal potential of children?
Among the conference speakers are:
- Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov, Rector of the J. Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic,
- Alaibek Shamshiev, Director of the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Personnel of KNU,
- Gulshan Abdyldaeva, Chief Specialist of the Department of School and Extracurricular Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic,
- Rano Kutanova, Head of the Center for Advanced Training of Teachers and Inclusive Education of the KNU,
- Guzel Turdubaeva, Chief specialist of the education development section of the Education Department of the Bishkek City Hall,
- Tigran Yepoyan, Advisor on Education and Health, UNESCO IITE,
- Petr Polozhevets, Executive Director of the Charitable Foundation Investment in the Future,
- Ekaterina Khaustova, Manager of academic partnerships for the “Developing Environment” Program of the Investment in the Future Charitable Foundation, and others.
Speakers’ presentations can be downloaded here:
The conference is organized by the J.Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University in cooperation with the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, the UNESCO Regional Office in Almaty and the Investment in the Future Charitable Foundation.
This is the second international conference on personality development and healthy lifestyles promotion, which is organized by UNESCO together with the Investment in the Future Charitable Foundation and partners in the countries of Central Asia and Eastern Europe.
The first such conference took place in October 2023 in Astana (Kazakhstan). It was attended by specialists from Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus. You can read about this conference here: